3D Printing & Scanning
See how these incredible 3D printing & 3D scanning technologies are changing how the world manufactures and produces functional parts.
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Industry-leading 3D printing technologies with industrial metal and composite systems that create strong parts for end-use performance applications.
HP 3D Printers
Transform your additive manufacturing operation by allowing you to achieve highly detailed parts with unmatched quality and printing speed.
Elevate your prototyping and production capabilities with cost-effective SLA and SLS 3D printers that deliver industrial-grade quality.
AMT Post-Processing
AMT digital post-processing systems are a must-have for high-volume part production and vapor smoothing operations.
Artec 3D Scanners
Versatile, professional, and easy-to-use portable scanners. Artec makes it easy for you to capture professional scan data for any object.
Geomagic Software
The most complete scan-to-CAD software delivers precise digital 3D models and CAD assemblies of physical objects for use in design.